Today as I went about my daily routine, I was pondering one of those subjects that will never be grasped by the mind of man: eternity. Lately, I've been finding myself thinking more and more about this mysterious reality -- that God has always existed, exists, and will always exist. I'm sure there aren't many who would not join me in saying that the thought short-circuits the intellect, and I find myself mentally spinning my wheels trying to grasp it. Perhaps what got me on this line of thinking was a quick e-mail from my brother, who is currently on vacation in South America, where the night sky is one of the darkest (that is, the stars most visible) on earth. In his short message, he noted that the incredible light given off by the centre of the Milky Way directly overhead was so bright that it casts shadows. "It really gives a person a sense of their place in the universe. I was at a loss for words really," was his actual statement. In our teenage years, he and I used to spend hours upon hours stargazing in the darkness of the great white north, and my reaction was always the same: complete and utter awe and wonder.
I've been thinking also, how as a child, I used to be afraid of eternity. Ecclesiastes says that God has placed eternity in our hearts. Deep down, we all know that there is more to life than the years we spend in this mortal body. Even for those who are saved by the Messiah's precious blood, who know that they will spend eternity in God's presence, the thought is still just so, well, BIG. Our minds are finite, and to try to comprehend something never ending, even something so magnificent, is impossible.
Lately, though, I find that deep within my spirit something is longing for this true reality -- to dwell with God, apart from the confines and of time and the limitations of this fragile tent that we call our mortal body. Perhaps it is the fact that there is just so much I want to do, and time always seems to be a hindering factor. There are moments of inspiration and joy that come, where you just want to linger and linger...but the next duty calls and you must abandon them. As an example, I spent my lunchbreak a few days ago at a local park. The sun was shining for the first time in a long time, and the presence of the Lord as I sat in my car and prayed, was sweet. Alas, I had to leave that precious kairos moment because I had to return to the office. I felt so sad, and in that moment, my longing for eternity grew just a little. It grows a little more every day.
I'm starting to grasp that one day, when the veil of this present world is lifted, the REAL reality will shine forth in glory -- the Glory of the Lamb, who was, who is, and who is coming again. No more tears, no more pain, no more sickness. No more limits. Clothed in the hope of the resurrection -- a new, incorruptible body:
1John 3:2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
I like to dream about the possibilities now, rather than being overwhelmed by the thought. I have all eternity to discover the Lord's goodness. All eternity to bask in His presence and in the fellowship of the saints (which is a wonderful thought indeed, for it seems the busyness of modern life has made the true fellowship rare). All eternity to enjoy the incredible beauty of the new creation, which must be beyond my ability to fathom in its loveliness. And maybe, just maybe, I will be able to learn new musical instruments and write all the music I want to without having to worry about needing to be in bed by 11 p.m. lest I ruin my health ;-)
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